The blog is dead, long live the blog by Jason Kottke

“If you want something to cry about, cry about the decline of the open web, the death of which would be a huge blow for us all. But perhaps that’s a topic better left for 2015.”

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An Ode to Winamp by Ryan Sims

“…Winamp was a key part of what it was like to come of age right at the end of the millennium (and first tech bubble).”

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Sister by Kate Nash

A metaphorical palimpsest of Hole’s “Violet”

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Laid by James

Call me pretty

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Never Again by Slumber Party

Never again, again, again

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Burning Up by Madonna

I’d preferred the Ciccone Youth version up until recently.

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Forever by Tavi Gevinson

“Forever is when your brain is still developing, so everything sticks, like a lot. Forever is when you have tunnel vision because you (I) have not yet understood that you (I) are (am) not the center of the world, so you (I) grant yourself (myself) permission to see things as though you (I) are (am). I don’t recommend it as a lifestyle, but there’s something to be said for having this much time to just think about you, what you like, what you believe in, how you feel.”

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