Heavenly Pop Hit by The Chills
Because James, House of Love, Stone Roses, Inspiral Carpets, Love Spit Love, REM
Because James, House of Love, Stone Roses, Inspiral Carpets, Love Spit Love, REM
“In all likelihood, the independent web will never be able to match the power and reach of the silos. But that won’t stop me (and others) from owning our own words. If nothing else, we can at least demonstrate that the independent path is an option—even if that option requires more effort.”
“…it is not outlandish to conclude that I possess what Sigmund Freud called “the hereditary taint,” a genetic predisposition to anxiety and depression.”
Think about something so much
“I don’t have to simplify or crop or be pulled out of context (unless I want that), which hopefully produces a fuller picture of who I am, what I like, and what I value.”
“And I’ve been […] wondering how our use of language impedes our vision, how our language obfuscates our ability to engineer complex front-end systems for the web.”
A little bit of Steven Tyler in the vocals, a little bit of Mr. Big’s “To Be With You” in the guitar. But the lyrics are beyond compare.